Start: Pollockshaw Baths, Ashtree Road, 10am Finish: Speirs Bridge Recreation Park, Stewarton Road, Thornliebank, approx 3:40pm Route: Thornliebank, Stewarton, Fenwick, Kilmarnock, Mauchline, Auchinleck, Cumnock, New Cumnock, Kirkconnel, Sanquhar, Menock Pass, Wanlockhead and return; 126.5 miles.
No copies of the results or magazines reports of the race have turned up; but Wikipedia lists the first three as - 1. George Edwards 2. J Clark 3. Mike Peers
Here is the official start list but it looks pretty certain that J Clark (No. 22) is actually Geoff Clark; one of the 24 cyclists who founded the BLRC in 1942. The fact that Geoff is recorded elsewhere as being 2nd in the 1945 Brighton-Glasgow and also rode for Bradford RCC makes a good case.